Monday, October 16, 2006

Cool names for bands

As if I didn't have enough stuff to hold my attention, one thing I get a kick out of doing is collecting what I think would be cool names for bands. I don't actually sit around and try to think these up. Rather, I hear a phrase or an expression or a word, and I think "Hey, that would be a cool name for a band!"

Here are some names I think would make cool names for a band.

Rogue Nation
Bad Pink
Mother (would cause wonder - a tribute to Mother, or a shortened profanity?)
Avid Horsemen
Caution Horses (actually a Cowboy Junkies album name but would make a cool band name.)

I have more, but can't think of them now.

One might also wonder why I'm posting at 2:40 a.m. Wide awake for some reason.

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