Sunday, December 17, 2006

Things that are annoying me right now

  1. This blog doesn't show up when I do blog searches. I have checked several times, and my blog is configured to show up in searches. What up?
  2. Since I had my new hard drive installed, I can't get my printer to work. My computer can't seem to "find" it. It won't let me reinstall it. I've tried downloading the driver from the internet, but that doesn't work. It wants that original disk that came with the printer. I have no friggin' clue where that disk is. Hell, I'm the lady who misplaced her sewing machine.
  3. I can't find my sewing machine.
  4. I've been having problems logging on to the work network from my home computer. Well, I shouldn't say "I've been having problems." Not to put too fine of a point on it, but it simply won't log on.
  5. My speakers were crappy, so I threw them away. Now my computer has no sound.
  6. Everyone's house is more beautiful than ours. Okay, I know that's not exactly 100% accurate. But let's just say that everyone I know personally has a more beautiful house than ours. Today, Eric and I talked about FINALLY getting some shelving for his 1,000,000 CD's. I want built ins. We have enough media to fill four walls, so why not? Why not make the shelving the "wallpaper"? Eric says no. We're going to renovate some day, so no built-ins. I say we can remove them. He says he doesn't want to "screw around." So today I said I know we're not going to renovate. We're going to spend the next 20 years living half-assed, not making any meaningful changes to our decor or living style, because of some fictitious future renovation. Let's say I'm bitter.
  7. We're at the end of the "fun" cycle at work, and now we're all about gathering numbers. I hate this part of the cycle.
Okay, that's about it. Except for everything listed above, I'm good.

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