Tuesday, December 26, 2006

Cute soup

Garielle made soup. I'm eating it now. It's good!

She stood on a step stool at the stove with a long-handled spoon, stirring the pot and telling me what ingredients to put in it. We began with a bouillion cube, then diced carrots, red beans, green beans, and corn. It cooked and she stirred happily until I talked her into putting the lid on to let it stew for about 20 minutes.

Before that, we made & decorated a ginger bread house.

And before that . . . brace yourself! I painted her room!!! Yes, by God, I painted that damned room.

Of course, I still have to pull up the carpet, paint the trim & baseboards, and figure out what to do about the floor, but at least the walls are a very light, soft, buttery yellow!

In other news:

The garbage disposal has been on the fritz for a week. I'm getting to really miss it.

Today, the dishwasher stopped working.

And I still haven't got my printer up & running yet.

However, I did replace a light bulb this morning.

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