Saturday, March 03, 2007

Reset button on life

So today I'm hitting the reset button on everything in my life. I'm probably 90% recovered - still a little tired and a little "off," but much better.

For the past couple of weeks, everything has fallen apart. I've run out of clean clothes, the goldfish have been swimming in their own waste, everything in the refrigerator turned nasty, and the house is in shambles.

I have laundry going, I tidied up the kitchen, I changed the water in the goldfish tank, I cleaned out the fridge, and after I hit "post," I'm going to tidy the house.

The rug for Garielle's room arrived. Eric went to pick it up. It should look cute. Now I just need to finish painting the trim, and then I can move the furniture back into her room.

But now I'm thinking . . . . hmmmmm . . . . I'm not sure I'm liking the yellow walls. Garielle's favorite colours these days are pink & purple. I'm thinking to repaint the walls some nice lilac colour. Besides, she wants a sunset on one wall, and a sunset on a yellow wall just won't show up as well.

But that's a way off into the future. Maybe this fall. We'll see.

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