Monday, November 06, 2006

On expressing creativity

I seem to be one of those people who are always on the verge of creativity, but never quite get there. If you've read previous entries of this blog, you know that lately I'm obsessing about decorating this house. That's just one example.

In my life, here are the things I've done:

- I've written music quite prolifically, but only during certain periods of my life. I could devote an entire blog entry to that one. Maybe some day I will.

- I've written poetry, even had one poem published, and have read my poetry at coffeehouses and nobody threw tomatoes.

- I've created tons and tons and tons of drawings and paintings. True, the bulk of this work occurred before I was eleven years old. But I did take some art classes at University, and I didn't suck.

- I've written a lot of short stories, and have started writing several books. Oh, well, okay, I did finish one book - it's an ebook. Does that count? It's for sale at the website of my alter-ego, Holly Zenith, at

- I've designed and made clothing for myself.

- I've written plays. Heck, I've been in plays, if you count high school.

- I've written humorous essays, and even wrote a stand-up routine that I performed for my colleagues at our awards dinner. Nobody threw tomatoes there either. (Of course, tomatoes weren't on the menu that evening.)

- I've invented numerous culinary works of art that have never again been duplicated because I never write down the recipes or remember what I did.

And here are the things that I've never actually done but have fantasized about to the point that I have fleeting notions that I could actually do these things if I pursued them:

- decorate a house. Ha ha ha! Oh, I kill me.

- write and/or edit and/or produce and/or direct films.

- do pottery

- actually finish a book (except for the ebook - does that count?)

- be a choreographer. Does it matter that I can't dance?

- be a stand-up comedian.

- be a motivational speaker.

- be hilarious on a TV sitcom

So, WHY, pray tell, am I a fundraiser for United Way? I suppose it's because I'm pretty good at it, and because I'm passionate about the cause. And perhaps it's because I amuse my colleagues enough that they hesitate to fire me.

Anyway, so there are two things that I'd like to just mention about all of this.

First of all, I brought home a book from the library by SARK. Don't know who SARK is? SARK

This is the book:

So if you've checked out this woman's website, you see she actually sells memberships to her sites! What does she offer? Camaraderie for those who are pursuing creative dreams, a niche, a place to post about one's dreams, and so on. See Society of SARK.

That's brilliant!

Secondly, the book is making me consider whether or not I've been making time for my creative pursuits. Well, I guess I didn't need to consider that. I know that the answer is "No, Chandra, you have not been making time for your creative pursuits."

I put the book aside because I didn't have time to read. I had mail to go through, forms to fill out, and so on.

And in that pile of paperwork, I found our synagogue's newsletter. We've only joined recently (and in fact I'm not 100% positive my husband has even sent our dues in, so maybe we still haven't joined). I flipped through the announcements and flyers that come with each newsletter, and noticed one in particular: CABARET NIGHT! Wanted: TALENT!

I went on to read that "proficient" musicians are sought. But at the bottom, it said "Don't be shy! ALL are welcome!"


What I haven't blogged much about is that I want to get back into making music again. And I have this bass that I hardly ever play. I can't say I'm "proficient" at it, but I'm enough of a musician to know that I could be pretty quickly if I spent time on it.

My bass is an Epiphone replica of the Hofner bass that Paul McCartney played in the Beatles.

It looks like this:

So I picked up the phone and called the contact person on the sheet. He wasn't in, but his wife took a message.

Hmmm. What am I getting myself into? Looks like I'm about to get better on that bass!

That's what I need. More things to do. More "spray" in my life, less "stream."

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