Tuesday, November 14, 2006

Mel Gibson name change!

I hadn't looked at my husband's blog in quite some time. Today I looked and found this entry from a few month's back:

I have decided what Mel "Mad Max" Gibson has to do before I could forgive him for his anti-semetic outburst. He must change his name to Shlomo.

So today I emailed him this "news" article. Ha! I kill me! (If you'd like to see my husband's blog, it's at http://ericsfrozenblog.blogspot.com.)

Mel’s name change has fans in uproar

HOLLYWOOD - Stan and Carla Haney spent their first date at Mel-Fest, the film festival dedicated to the works of Mel Gibson.

On their 10th anniversary, they'll be watching Shlomo Gibson in a one-man play entitled “Anne Frank: What Happens In The Annex Stays In The Annex.”

They are none too happy about the name change.

"It's a cumbersome name and to me he will always just be Mel," said Carla. "I appreciate his motivations, but I think it’s unnecessary. Maybe we're just anti-Semitic."

The new name came about Friday when Internally Blond, Gibson’s agency, announced the name change at a Los Angeles fundraiser.

Gibson’s legal name will remain Mel. He was originally named after his great-grandfather, Melvin Schlechte.

"That helps," said Stan. "At least his legal name will stay the same. After all, his own grandkids might want to name their kids after him."

"And not only that," added Carla, "It's a Jewish tradition to name a child after a deceased loved one. Someday Mel’s going to croak, and it would be a nice nod to the Jewish community if their grandkids named their own children ‘Mel’."
Alex Regis and friend Jennifer Hofner had one word to describe the name change: Horrible.

"People are going to boo whenever his name appears in credits or anything," said Regis.

For one of Hofner’s friends, the pain may have been even deeper.

"That's my name," said Shlomo Gibson Goldblum with a hint of sadness.

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