Friday, June 15, 2007

More on bunk beds & play structures

Well, my first Avon campaign deadline is next week. I bumped it forward 2 days to give me time to get the order in & to handle any last minute orders.

So far I have 3 orders. I can see I'm going to need to torque up my efforts here. Of course, one could argue that my efforts thus far have hardly been heroic or valiant. All I've done is distribute some brochures quietly to 9 colleagues that I trust and think might be interested. So, three orders out of nine, and nobody refused a brochure.

I think if I want to make serious money at this, I have to be more proactive about finding a customer base, I have to be less apologetic when I approach people, and I have to get into leadership.

With all apologies to Avon and to its many, many fine reps, the thing is, selling Avon isn't exactly something that would make my family proud. It wouldn't make my husband proud either. They would all suggest that I'm "lowering myself."

I have to decide for myself if I'm lowering myself. Am I? Well, truth be told, I'm neutral on it. I don't think it raises me or lowers me - it's just something that is. Clearly what I'm struggling with is that stupid "What will other people think of me?" And that's not like me, because I'm not usually one to care.

I have to focus on why I'm doing this. I want to buy my daughter a bunk bed, a play structure, and then pay off my credit card. Well, actually, we'll buy the play structure soon, but I want to pay it off. The point is, I have noble reasons for doing this.

On the other hand, do noble reasons justify the means? What if I were selling illegal drugs to buy my daughter a bunk bed, a play structure, and then pay off my credit card?

Ah well, Avon products aren't illegal drugs.

And besides, I have a secret agenda. If I do manage to save up for a bunk bed, pay off the play structure, and then pay off my credit card, I could go on to do some other things that I've not had the money for - improvements on the house, travel, and so on.

But first, I must focus on a bunk bed.

When I distributed the brochures at work, I actually stapled a note to the front with a picture of the play structure. At that time, it was just the play structure I was saving for. I don't think an image of a bunk bed would be as compelling, so I might keep doing that (the note with the play structure).

I already have my brochures for the next campaign, and I've already given away 3. So I have 7 brochures, 3 of which I'll give to people who placed an order this time, and the other 4 I'll distribute to the coworkers who seem interested but have not ordered.

But I get to choose the quantity of brochures I want for every campaign after that.

So for Campaign 18, I think I'll hit up my own neighbourhood. Yes, it will be difficult. But I have a plan. I think I'll go around ahead of time and distribute door hangers announcing that there's a new Avon rep in the neighbourhood, and I'm going to be leaving brochures on their doors from time to time. I'll enclose a stamped response card for them to indicate that they do NOT want brochures. If I don't receive a response, I'll assume it's OK to drop off brochures. After all, if they are adamant enough about it to screw around dropping a postcard in the mail, they really must not want brochures, and I'd just as soon skip their house.

It will also include my email & phone number in case they want to contact me directly.

I figure I can do 20 houses this time around, and maybe add 20 each campaign until I've maxed out my walking limit (because I'm not going to drive all over town with gas prices being what they are).

Then maybe I could rotate brochures - it would be expensive to give everyone a brochure every campaign, if they're not ordering, so maybe divide the neighbourhood into thirds or quarters and deliver brochures to these people every 3-4 campaigns.

It might be fun - it would get me out walking, my daughter could do it with me . . .

Eric still doesn't know.


Carrie B said...

With all apologies to Avon and to its many, many fine reps, the thing is, selling Avon isn't exactly something that would make my family proud. It wouldn't make my husband proud either. They would all suggest that I'm "lowering myself."

Why are you lowering yourself? Avon is far from trashy. It has had consistently quality, fun products for a long time and people get freakin' giddy when they get an Avon catalog, at least in my experience. Based on the craziness of life, I've been in and out of Avon 3x in my life. If it's fun, it lets you earn extra money, and you enjoy it, you aren't lowering yourself... You are empowering yourself! If anyone says differently, tell 'em to kiss your bum... Even dear husband. :-)

Cheers, Carrie (Burgansburg:

Ernie Hendrix said...

Hold your head up, girl! If your family and friends think you're "lowering" yourself, then they have snob problems!! Avon has long been a promoter of breast cancer research, one of my passions, so I have a lot of respect for the company. I couldn't sell Avon. But that's because I couldn't sell anything! I am so not a salesperson. I mean, big time not a salesperson. And you'll soon find out whether or not you are. If you are, then good for you! Go for it!

small town usa said...

I decided to sell Avon because I wanted to earn some extra money. So far I have discovered that I would be earning a lot more if I would stop spending it on Avon for me! Avon products are really good. Alot of people are glad I'm selling it, because they bought the products before and want to buy again but, they didn't know anyone who still sold them. The highest amount I sold so far (since March) is around $300. I earned about $80. The least was like $50. There is money to be made if you can sell and I think the easiest or best way is to recruit new rep's. That way you earn money from them too. I haven't had any luck with that. Anyway, keep trying and good luck! I'll check back to see how it's going.

Chandra said...

All you guys are awesome!!!

By the way, I never said I'd be lowering myself. (This is for you, cj.) I said my family would think I would be lowering myself, and I put it in quotes, like this: "lowering myself" which means I don't necessarily hold the opinion.

But I will do exactly as you said - if they say I am, I'll tell them to kiss my bum! ha ha!