Monday, September 01, 2008

License to blog

One really ought to have a license for the privilege of blogging.

Take this blog, for instance. This blog would never make it past the application desk. It's totally disjointed - the only continuity in the whole work is the scatterbrained topic-jumping. Oh, and the self-absorbtion. (Absorption?)

The posts are far too infrequent. Most of them are too long. And they're pretty much all about me.

On the other hand, since I'm quite secure in the fact that nobody actually reads this blog, I feel unencumbered by the notion of editorial & judgemental readers. Augusten Burroughs wrote that writers ought to be able to pick their readers. One way to sidestep the problem of pain-in-the-ass readers is to ensure nobody is reading my writing.

Yet, I'm still beleaguered by the notion that I should write something that someone, anyone, other than myself would be interested in reading.

I've started four other topical blogs, but as my interests ebb & blow like the wind, the blogs are abandoned when my interest fades.

It seems the only thing I'm interested in over the long term is myself.

I should work on that.


Ernie Hendrix said...

I read it. But not at all judgmentally. As as I mentioned in an earlier comment, it's your life that's interesting. Glad to see another post from you.

Gypsy Gold Studio

Kathy said...

I check your blog almost every day. I'm ALWAYS interested in your writing.