This law of attraction thing seems to work. I've known about it for almost three years, but it's only in the past several months that I've set about to use it purposely.
I bought a small blank book to write in every time I notice it in action in my life, but I always forget to write in it. But here are some recent things off the top of my head:
1. We traveled to Ohio for the holidays. Expecting to lose a piece of luggage during the complicated layover that involved un-checking our luggage and re-checking it at Customs, I packed accordingly, putting a little bit of everything in each suitcase so that if even if we only got one piece at the other end, we'd all have clean underclothes and something to wear the next day. Eric, however, packed most of his stuff in one suitcase, and fretted the entire first leg about our luggage. That was the piece that was lost.
2. Christmas is the busiest time of year for people in the airline industry. Eric was certain the suitcase was gone for good. His theory is that if it doesn't turn up within the first 24 hours, the odds of finding it are pretty slim. And even if they did find it, they'd have to ship it to Detroit (our final destination) and then somehow we'd have to drive the 2 hrs back to the damned airport, because who was going to deliver it this close to Christmas?
So my sister, her daughter-in-law, and I set about to attract it to us before Christmas. I expressed profound gratitude for having made the journey safely, and then I expressed gratitude for the four pieces of luggage that did arrive. Then I expressed the intention that the missing suitcase should arrive on Christmas Eve.
It did. At 9:30 a.m. on December 24, a driver from the airport knocked on my father's door, bearing the suitcase.
3. Duirng our hectic two weeks in which we traveled back & forth from Ontario, Michigan, and Ohio visiting friends, we managed to see everyone we intended to see and eat what we intended to eat and shop successfully for everything we wanted and to experience everything we wanted to experience.
4. More generally, whenever I remember to attract a parking place before I go somewhere, I always have one. (I often forget to start attracting it until I arrive, and it's too late.)
5. We've reached the breaking point with this house. I decided to attract a better house. Coincidentally, a former colleague & friend reappeared in my life - she's now a mortgage broker. I had coffee with her, and we decided that in 2008, we would do business with her. At first we talked about moving, but Eric really wants to stay in this neighbourhood. So now we have to attract a renovation. It's more than just the money. We have to attract an architect who can help us clarify our vision, and bring wonderful ideas to us as well. We also have to attract a reputable contractor.
So what do I want to work on attracting this year?
I've decided that my two hobbies in 2008 will be health & wealth. Very specifically, I want to be able to run. And I want to grow our wealth while learning to protect the wealth we have.
In the past, I've thought things like "I want to lose weight" and "I don't want to be tired anymore." From now on, I will celebrate and be grateful for the health that I have and attract the initiative to maximize it.
In the past, I've thought "I wish we could get out of debt" and "I wish I were more savvy with money." From now on, I will celebrate and be grateful for the wealth that we really do have, and I will attract the confidence and skills to maximize it.
So that's my story.
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