Saturday, September 08, 2007

And still more pondering . . .

Let's just say, for the sake of argument, that the Law of Attraction works.

I really wanted a play structure and a bunk bed. We now have the play structure, but not the bunk bed. We do have a trundle bed now, though, which serves the same purpose.

However, I've had this concern all along about a bunk bed - what if, in spite of the railings, she falls out? What if she's trying to get out of bed in the middle of the night to get to us and she falls? What if, what if, what if . . . ?

So a few weeks ago, she really did fall out of bed in her sleep. She was unhurt but very startled, so she began to cry. After a little hug & a cuddle, she went right back to sleep.

So perhaps my mixed signals to the Universe is what brought the trundle bed to pass, rather than the bunk bed.

1 comment:

Ernie Hendrix said...

Nice to see you back here posting again!!
