The good news is that I made a lot of progress in Garielle's room last weekend. I got the quarter round nailed all around the perimeter, and I primed all the baseboard, and began to paint it glossy dark blue. I also ordered a rug for her room. It will be in in a few weeks.
The bad news is that this weekend I feel like absolute shit. I have a raging sore throat and don't feel like doing anything. I can't remember the last time my throat hurt like this. I'm totally OD'ing on ibuprofen - it doesn't get rid of the pain, but it makes it more tolerable.
Eric says I should go to a walk-in clinic and get on some antibiotics. But they're not prescribing antibiotics like they used to, and besides, I can hardly remain upright long enough to sit in a waiting room. I just don't have the wherewithal to patch myself together, drag my sorry ass to some waiting room, sit in misery while longing to lie down, only to find out that there's nothing they can do but prescribe rest, fluids, ibuprofen, and all of that.
My throat hurt so bad the other night that I couldn't sleep. So last night I took 2 over the counter sleeping pills - my God, I need some sleep to get better, right? But my throat hurt so bad that it kept me awake anyway!
Eric is going to go get some of that stuff that you spray into your mouth that numbs your throat.
So, there goes another weekend, down the drain. Damn.
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