The two aren't related, but it makes a catchy blog title, don't you think?
First of all, let me say that I'm short on time and short on common sense. I have only a couple of hours to take a shower, whip the house into shape, and get a bunch of things done before Garielle's play date arrives. I have no time for this blog entry.
So I was reading in the paper this morning that Michael Jackson is coming back to the U.S. Yes, this made the news, somehow.
I don't know why every fart this man toots is something of interest to the media. Is it something of interest to the public? One might say that it is, otherwise the media wouldn't run it.
The truth is, I'm an admirer of Jackson. I won't go so far as to say I'm a "fan," because I don't own any of his CD's. (Okay, I did pay to download some of his tunes off the internet, but that's it.) But to say that his music isn't totally rockin' and to say that he's not a major talent is to tell a lie. I totally dig his music and his videos. And I think as he aged, he got better. Sure, he's a little weird looking, but that's not a crime. A lot of people are weird looking.
Jackson personally? I don't want to know.
In fact, I hate meeting "stars" in person. I have no interest in knowing what they're "really" like - unless of course they're exceptional, such as passionately philanthropic about an interesting cause, or committed to some noble principle. But I don't have that expectation of stars, and I'm not not disappointed when they're just plain old people. Because you know what? Most of them are.
I just want to enjoy the fruits of their talent.
Of course, if we happen to run into each other at a cocktail party or a fundraiser (because I go to so many of these where stars are present, you know), and if they happen to be interesting people, sure, I'd like to get to know them, just as I would be interested in getting to know an interesting person who is totally anonymous.
What I'd really like is for Michael Jackson to get back into the studio and make some more music and some more videos.
"Oh, but what about the time he jeopardized the safety of his baby by dangling it over the balcony?"
Yes, that was bad, bad, bad. He really shouldn't have done that. Thank God nothing happened, and perhaps upon reflection, Jackson regrets that.
Any parents out there? (show of hands) Okay, when Garielle was probably a little too young for it, I put her in the "big" bathtub to see how she would do, instead of her little plastic baby bathtub. She was able to sit up well, and the water wasn't very deep. Nevertheless, she was nervous.
After she seemed more okay, I turned my back on her to attend to something on the counter, and she said "Mommy, Mommy!" I said "You're okay, sweetheart," but I didn't turn around. She cried "Mommy!" again, so I turned around. She had accidentally lopped forward into the water. Thank GOD her head was turned to the side so her face wasn't submerged. She wasn't able to pull herself back up to a sitting position.
If she had her face forward, she would have drowned.
Someone told me that every child seems to give their parents one "warning" incident, and if you ignore it, the next time is fatal. I don't know if that's true or not, but that was my warning. Believe me, I was MUCH MUCH MUCH more conscientious after that.
Am I stupid? Am I a bad parent? No to both. My IQ tests above "genius" level (it's true, which is why everything I do is sheer genius - ha!), and I think I'm a pretty good parent.
Anyway, this is why I can't crucify Jackson for the balcony incident. Yes, it was a lapse of judgement, and it was a dangerous one. But thank god it's okay.
On to the next topic:
I also read in the paper that it's official - the design trend is the "absence of color." According to the article, taken from USA Today, we've had so many years of being bathed in all that color that white is "refreshing."
No it's not.
All that white is boring. It's like looking at an endless maxi-pad. It's sterile. It's even a little frightening. ("Am I in Heaven? Dang, it's dull.")
I'm going forward with my red room, damn it. Maybe in five years, I'll be tired of being bathed in all that color, and I might "refresh" by going white. We'll see.
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